
How To Give Cat Subcutaneous Fluids


Y'all don't want to do information technology, she doesn't want yous to do it, but you have to do it.  How to give your cat subcutaneous (sub Q) fluids to greatly improve their quality of life.

Siamese cat gets subcutaneous fluids at home.

Meet Cleo.  The cat I always idea was a Siamese but and then found out is actually a Burmese but THEN found out is actually a Siamese. Confusing I know. My vet idea she was a Burmese for a while based on the shape of her head simply we finally decided she was an applehead Siamese (too known every bit a traditional Siamese.)

Several years ago Cleo just seemed "off" then I took her to the vet.   I found out Cleo had a dreaded cat disease. Chronic Renal Disease. Although vets insist on calling it "Chronic Renal Failure" which sounds much more ominous. When my vet told me this news my optics grew to the size of pumpkins and welled up. I thought he was gently telling me picayune Cleo would exist expressionless by week's end.  She lived for another 2 ½ years before I made the decision to be in a horrific corporeality of pain so she didn't take to be.

Make no fault nearly it, renal disease is ominous, but it doesn't necessarily hateful your cat is going to drop dead within weeks or even months. With medicine and treatment Cleo lived a happy life for over 2 years subsequently her diagnosis. But she wouldn't have without Subcutaneous Fluids.

Siamese cat sits in front of Christmas presents.

Renal Failure in cats ways their kidneys aren't working at 100%. The worse the condition, the less the kidneys are working.  A cat with chronic kidney disease volition drink a lot and pee a lot.  In fact they pee out so much of their fluids that they dehydrate themselves.

If yous've e'er been dehydrated you know how atrocious that feels.

One of the things you can do to make your elderly, chronic renal (kidney) disease true cat happier and healthier is by giving them subcutaneous fluids. At home. By yourself.  Fifty-fifty though you lot're terrified.

Your vet will let you know if this is a adept option for you. Don't but become out willy nilly and start jabbing your true cat with needles and filling them with fluids.

I did this every other solar day for about the concluding year of Cleo'due south life and after a somewhat inelegant introductory period, we both got quite good at it.  We don't like information technology. Just we become through it with as little pain and bitter every bit possible now.

Why do information technology?  When a cat gets to the terminate stages of chronic renal disease they don't feel well.  But these fluids make them experience much ameliorate.  So when the vet said I could do this for her at home I had a little fainting fit, tried to seize with teeth him and so asked him to show me how to do it.  Her vet was Dr. Marking who yous might remember from my chicken related Ask Dr. Marking posts.

Similar I said, the commencement few tries were a bit of a shitshow, but Cleo and I got the hang of it.

How to Give a Cat Subcutaneous Fluids

Remember, ever use a new needle and keep your fluids at room temperature so it's more than comfortable for the cat.


  • Fluids
  • 18-20 gauge needles.
  1. Hang your fluid bag a couple of anxiety college than y'all will exist with your cat. I used a coat hanger.

A subq fluids bag for cats hanging higher than the cat on a wire coat hanger on a black door.

2. Remove the cap from the end of the tubing.

Removing the blue cap from a fluids bag.

three. Printing your needle (with the protective cap still on) onto the nub.

Aligning a new needle onto the IV fluids bag.

four. Twist the plastic nut a couple of twists to concur the needle in identify.

New needle with cap still on, attached to IV fluid line for cats.

five. Remove the protective cap on the needle.

Needle Option Options

Y'all tin can use an eighteen-twenty gauge needle on your cat.

  • With the eighteen gauge (which is larger) your fluid therapy will go more speedily.
  • With a 20 judge needle (which is smaller) it is less painful for the cat but volition take longer to administer the fluids through the smaller pigsty.

Removing the cap of an IV needle by carefully pulling it from the tip.

6. Notice the open up hole on the needle.  This should exist inserted facing up into the true cat.

A subcutaneous fluid needle shown against a black background.

7. Put your cat where you'll both be comfortable.  You'll demand to continue your cat in place. I similar to squish her betwixt my legs on the floor nearly her favourite heating vent.  Other people will sit their cat in the corner of a chair or couch to keep them from squirming away. Putting them in a very small box could piece of work as well. Cats like boxes, they feel safe in them and it would aid stop them from crawling away.

Subq needle for giving fluid to a cat is shown with the hole of the needle pointing upwards.

8. Hold the needle in your dominant hand with the hole facing upward.  With your other hand pull the cat'south skin upward by the scruff around her shoulder blades, forming a tent.

A woman's hand holds a Siamese cat by the scruff of the neck creating a tent for inserting the needle for fluids at home.

ix. DECISIVELY insert the needle (with the hole side up) into the tent of skin.  Don't hesitate.  The beginning few times information technology'll be gross and scary and shocking and you lot'll hear the skin crunch and all sorts of atrocious things. Y'all desire the needle to go in the pocket of air between the peel and her muscle.

Needle being inserted into a tent of skin on a renal failure cat's neck.

x. Release the scruff and let the Four fluids period by rolling the wheel upward.

Rolling up the dial on a fluids tube to allow fluids to run.

11.  Pet your cat to help brand the experience a more than pleasant i.

A Siamese cat lays quietly as a fluid lump forms near her neck as she's given subcutaneous fluids at home for renal failure.

12. Your vet volition permit you know how much fluid to give your cat but chances are it'll be 100 ml if y'all take an average sized cat. When injected 100 ml looks like the size of a pocket-size orange on the back of the cats neck.

xiii. One time plenty fluids have been administered (bank check the size of the lump on the cats cervix and the fluid line on the IV bag) you tin can stop the flow of Four fluids by rolling the wheel downwards, remove the needle and pinch the cat's skin for a minute to stop the fluids from leaking out.

14. Remove the needle by putting the protective cap back on and unscrewing it.  Replace the blue protective cap to proceed the line clean.

15.  Everyone gets a care for!  Seriously.  You and the cat.  Treats for everyone.

How long does it take for a cat to absorb subcutaneous fluids?

It only takes a few minutes to requite your cat subq fluids but it will take them a while to blot all those fluids.

Well-nigh cats will absorb all the fluid within a few hours. You'll know when the fluids take been absorbed when the lump of fluid where y'all gave the injection has flattened.

If the lump of fluid seems to move (down your cats cervix, dorsum or to their shoulders) don't worry about the migration.  It sometimes happens. The fluids volition however be captivated normally.

Tin you lot give a cat likewise much subcutaneous fluids?

It IS possible to over hydrate so don't immediately think if some is good more is better. Information technology'southward non. Only give the amount of fluids every bit recommended by your vet. Too much subcutaenous fluids can cause hypertension and cats that take heart problems tin develop fluid buildup in the body.

Fluid buildup in a cat with heart problems can become a medical emergency. So to reiterate; only give the corporeality prescribed by your vet.

What does subcutaneous fluids exercise for cats?

Evidently the reason for giving fluids is to hydrate the true cat. For cats with renal failure, their kidneys go through more fluids than normal (the true cat pees a lot).  Y'all can lead a cat to water but you can't make it potable so giving fluids nether the skin is the all-time style to help rehydrate them.

Subq fluids provide the cat with the extra fluids they need to feel well.

  • The cat experience will experience better in general (the way you do when you're hydrated)
  • The actress fluids will help slow down the progression of chronic kidney disease (renal failure)
  • Fluid therapy is immensely helpful for chronic constipation, a side effect of renal failure.  They'll assist your cat poop. And y'all know how much improve you feel if you poop.

Demand more than education? Thousand, here I am giving Cleo her fluids.

If this is something yous don't recollect you'll ever, EVER be able to practice then it might be helpful for you to know the cat breeds that are more predisposed to chronic kidney affliction (CKD).


  • Vet prescribed fluids
  • 18-20 gauge needles


    1. Hang your fluid bag a couple of anxiety higher than you will exist with your true cat. I used a coat hanger.
    2. Remove the cap from the end of the tubing.
    3. Printing your needle (with the protective cap even so on) onto the nub.
    4. Twist the plastic nut a couple of twists to hold the needle in place.
    5. Remove the protective cap on the needle.
    6. Find the open hole on the needle.  This should be inserted facing up into the true cat.
    7. Put your cat where you'll both be comfy.  You'll need to keep your cat in place. I like to squish her betwixt my legs on the floor near her favourite heating vent.  Other people will sit their cat in the corner of a chair or couch to continue them from squirming away. Putting them in a very small box could work besides. Cats like boxes, they feel safe in them and it would help end them from crawling away.
    8. Agree the needle in your dominant manus with the hole facing up.  With your other hand pull the cat's skin up past the scruff around her shoulder blades, forming a tent.
    9. DECISIVELY insert the needle (with the hole side up) into the tent of skin.  Don't hesitate.  The start few times it'll be gross and scary and shocking and you'll hear the skin crunch and all sorts of awful things. You want the needle to go in the pocket of air between the skin and her muscle.
    10. Release the scruff and let the IV fluids period by rolling the wheel upwardly.
    11. Pet your cat to aid make the experience a more pleasant ane.
    12. Your vet will let you know how much fluid to requite your cat only chances are it'll exist 100 ml if you lot have an average sized cat. When injected 100 ml looks similar the size of a small orange on the back of the cats neck.
    13. Once enough fluids take been administered (check the size of the lump on the cats neck and the fluid line on the IV bag) you lot tin stop the flow of Four fluids by rolling the cycle down, remove the needle and compression the cat'due south peel for a infinitesimal to stop the fluids from leaking out.
    14. Remove the needle by putting the protective cap back on and unscrewing it.  Replace the blue protective cap to keep the line clean.
    15. Requite the both of you a treat. You're done.


Using a smaller needle (20 gauge) will be more than comfortable for your cat but will take longer to give the fluids.

Using a larger needle (eighteen estimate) will be less comfortable for your cat when you insert the needle but the chore will be finished more chop-chop.

Cats breeds decumbent to CKD

  • Farsi
  • Abyssinian
  • Siamese
  • Ragdoll
  • Burmese
  • Russian Blue
  • Maine Coon

How to foreclose renal failure in cats

You can aid reduce the chances and severity of renal failure in whatever breed of cat.

  • Keep their teeth cleaned and cared for. Mucilage affliction and teeth issues contributes to renal failure in cats. A lot.
  • Feeding nutrient that's loftier in phosphorous volition increment the chances of the disease and the faster advocacy of it. Feed your true cat high quality food from day ane. And if they're diagnosed with chronic kidney disease immediately switch them to a food fabricated specifically for renal failure cats.
  • Toxins eaten past a cat (poisons, antifreeze, pesticides) may not kill them immediately merely can cause a cat to develop chronic kidney disease.
  • Indoor cats have a lower risk of renal failure because of their more limited exposure to toxins.

Fifty-fifty knowing Siamese are predisposed to this disease, and knowing how painful it was to hear the diagnosis and eventually take her put to sleep I even so want some other traditional Siamese cat. Desperately.

Cleo came to me when her owners discovered they were allergic. I tin can't recall who they were and accept no idea where they got her, but if I knew I'd take another Siamese right now.

Immediately following this handling, Cleo got iii Temptations treats and I got a whiskey.  Cleo ever felt much amend a few hours subsequently her fluids.  I usually feel a chip wobbly after mine.

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Giving Subcutaneous Fluids to Older Cats.


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